He gets away from me as I drop off the pace through miles two and three, which is not unusual given the slight incline during this segment of our run. That said, my 5km split of 23:15 is something I have not achieved since running cross country in high school.
I catch up with my coworker stretching at our turnaround spot a tenth of a mile further. He says the rest of our run will be "a fast recovery".
We start back way too fast (my watch pace indicates that I'd run a 6 minute mile if I could maintain it), so I ease off the accelerator and let him take the lead. I am surprised to cross mile four in under 30 minutes...definitely a PR. 37:10 at mile five is another personal best...as is 44:38 at mile six. I estimate my 10km split at 45:32...nearly a minute off my previous best.
I have never seen myself as someone who could run a 10km in less than 45 minutes. If I let my coworker continue to push my pace like this, I might get there before the end of this year. Fortunately, he will be on vacation starting next week and our lunch runs will not resume until January. A New Year's Resolution perhaps?
An interesting footnote: Pre-marathon, my average pace over 69 miles of lunchtime running was 8:22/mile. Since then, we have run as many miles together, but my pace has dropped to 7:52/mile.

1 comment:
I run fast because I care ;)
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