I don't plan to blog daily about my running experiences, but I really wanted to thank Nike for putting on these free training sessions. It has been a long time since I've run with a group, and breaking into sessions based on pace has quickly shown me what shape I am really in. It doesn't hurt that Nike treats us to freebies including Jamba Juice and, in today's case, salad and sandwiches.
After yesterday's run, I decided to move up to the 3 mile, 9 minute per mile group. Our group ticked off the second mile at an under 8 minute per mile pace. The third mile was a bit of a struggle...but I was still able to finish strong enough to average under 9 minutes per mile for the entire run. At least I know I should target this pace until I can do so without dropping behind. I plan to move into the 5 mile group on Saturday.
Unfortunately, this was the only weekday session I'd be able to attend because of work...core hours end at 6:30pm when each training session is scheduled to begin. I wouldn't have been able to attend today if it weren't for its close proximity to my office and the fact that today was holiday...I was working today.
Legend of the Falls
2 months ago
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